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The emergence of intelligent payments | Worldpay

Worldpay Editorial Team

July 18, 2019

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are no longer far-off technologies of the future. Machine learning and AI are making a difference today and boosting business bottom lines.

Learn how these technologies are transforming mountains of payment data into actionable insights today, and how your business can benefit.

In this white paper you’ll learn:

  • The essentials of machine learning and AI
  • How ML and AI help prevent fraud and boost acceptance rates
  • How data insights help solve retail’s most vexing problem: cart abandonment
  • How these technologies help improve customer experiences today
  • What’s next on the horizon for AI, ML, and the future of payments

This whitepaper has been developed using external research along with expert opinions from our product and strategy leaders.

Learn more about how AI is transforming business.


AI Now. AI Next.

Learn more about how AI is transforming business.
