

Once you are certified with SaferPayments or SaferPayments Managed program, then if you experience a data breach we will, subject to certain conditions, waive our right to pass on the first £35,000 / €40,000 of card scheme fines on to you if using SaferPayments or £50,000 / €55,000 if using the SaferPayments Managed program.
  • Have answered the online questionnaire honestly and in good faith when self certifying compliance
  • Within seven working days of discovery of the data compromise advise us in writing of any failure of security within your business or your card acceptance systems
  • Retain records, logs and electronic evidence relating to a data compromise and make this available promptly upon request by Worldpay or the Card Schemes
  • Co-operate with Worldpay and the involved payment networks in all investigations relating to any data compromise, including allowing forensic investigators, appointed by Worldpay