
Exemption Engine

Protect your revenue and offer a frictionless checkout with our strong customer authentication solution


A Strong Customer Authentication Exemption Solution That Reduces Friction and Costs

Worldpay Exemption Engine is a PSD2 solution that minimizes friction at checkout, reduces costs and protects revenue.

Using our vast transaction data to predict issuer behavior, Exemption Engine analyzes transactions in real time to maximize PSD2 SCA exemptions.

With our large acquiring reach, knowledge and issuer relationships, Worldpay offers the best strategy for PSD2 strong customer authentication to meet both industry regulations and consumer expectations for ease of payment.

How Worldpay Empowers Exemptions from Strong Customer Authentication

Enable a frictionless checkout with PSD2 exemptions from strong customer authentication

Improve the User Experience by Maximizing Exemptions

Minimize friction at checkout by avoiding stepping up to 3DS2 where possible

Reduce Fraud and Risk by Leveraging Transaction Data

Keep false positives and fraud rates to a minimum with a PSD2 SCA solution

Simplify Service and Avoid Additional Authentication Costs

Save money by utilizing exemptions and employing a single integration for end-to-end service

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